What is on in February 2025
See below for what is happening! Keep checking on this page for regular updates!
Please also look at our menu options for Scripture reflection (https://sawtell.uca.org.au/devotional-soap/ SOAP), and Wider News https://sawtell.uca.org.au/wider-news/ (A variety of news from our Mid North Coast Presbytery and the Synod of the Uniting Church in NSW & ACT).
Significant February dates: Epiphany
Sunday 2nd - Church Service – 9am + morning tea
Wednesday 5th – Church Council – 5.15pm
Sunday 9th - Church Service – 9am + morning tea
Community Talk - Tuesday 11th from 9-10.30am - Insights into personal and home security in our community - NSW Police. Morning tea and chat after.
Community BBQ - Friday 14th - from 6pm - Elizabeth Street - come and enjoy some basic food and chat - free. Bring own drinks and any special food.
Sunday 16th - Church Service – 9am + morning tea
Sunday 16th – Congregation AGM and general meeting (following morning tea)
Sunday 23rd - Church Service – 9am + Communion + morning tea
Community Afternoon Tea - 2.30pm Thursday 27th - All welcome. Our series of afternoon teas, give the opportunity to relax with friends old and new, meet and greet, share conversation, tea/coffee and cakes and other nibbles, and get to know others a little better. No cost.
'Incarnate' - Lay Leadership Seminar - Sawtell UC - 28 Feb/1st Mar 2025: https://www.nswact.uca.org.au/calendar/incarnate-lay-leadership-for-renewal
NB: Should you not be able to come to our services, you can find a streamed or recorded worship service from across NSW and ACT eg. West Epping Uniting or Terrigal Uniting; or use our Presbytery Mid North Coast service resources.
Important to also note: Both Covid and Flu are still in our communities, so please do not come if you are feeling ill, esp. Covid, RSV or Flu. Local Safe Plan guidance applies - hand sanitise on entry + consider distancing [ Wear a mask IF you wish / OR can't distance ].
Other Information:
A link to the Uniting Church lectionary pdf - Lectionary C for 2024/25 download. https://uniting.church/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Lectionary-YrC-2025-1.pdf
Mid North Coast Presbytery does good online work: https://worshipwell.uca.org.au/ [See Worship Well for online resources]
Saltbush - Scattered Community UCA: https://saltbushcommunity.uca.org.au/
NSW / ACT Synod Discernment Summit link https://www.nswact.uca.org.au/blog/discernment-summit-4-towards-synod-2025/
The Act2 report pdf 'Gift of the Spirit' to our 17th Assembly is now available to the wider Uniting Church: HERE https://uniting.church/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/B3E-Act2-The-Gift-of-the-Spirit-1.pdf
Our other ongoing events and activities:
Note: UUFIT programs - See full details on our link for our regular activities during the month: Groups
No groups on Public Holidays!
Keep coming back to this page – to ensure you see updated information